138,000+ happy customers
76 collections
720+ presets
138,000+ happy customers
76 collections
720+ presets
138,000+ happy customers
76 collections
720+ presets

Presets for every taste

  • The Hot Cocoa Preset Collection €69,95 €13,95
  • The Halloween Preset Collection €69,95 €13,95
  • The Moody BW Preset Collection €69,95 €13,95
  • The BW Preset Bundle €166,95 €33,95
  • The Matte BW Preset Collection €69,95 €13,95
  • The Dreamy BW Preset Collection €69,95 €13,95
  • Bundle and save

    Best-selling preset bundles

    Matte Sunset

    Before & After

    Submitted by Anna C. from Texas.

    Light & Airy

    Before & After

    Submitted by Gina R. from Florida.



    All your preset questions answered.

    1. What are Lightroom Presets?

    Lightroom presets are pre-configured settings designed to apply a specific look or style to your photos with just one click. They are a powerful tool for photographers and enthusiasts alike to achieve consistent results and streamline their photo editing workflow in Adobe Lightroom.

    2. Are Lightroom Presets Worth It?

    Absolutely, Lightroom presets are worth it for both amateur and professional photographers. They save time, ensure consistency across your photo collection, and provide a quick way to apply professional-grade edits and styles to your images.

    3. Do I Need Adobe Lightroom Premium to Use Presets?

    No, you do not necessarily need Adobe Lightroom Premium to use presets. While some features are limited to the premium version, Lightroom presets can be imported and used in both the free and paid versions of Adobe Lightroom.

    4. Can Lightroom Presets Be Used on Videos?

    Yes, with the latest updates, Lightroom presets can now be applied to videos in Adobe Lightroom Classic and Adobe Premiere Pro. This allows for a unified style across both your photos and videos, enhancing your multimedia projects.

    5. How Do Lightroom Presets Work?

    Lightroom presets work by applying a set of predefined adjustments to your photos. These adjustments can include changes to exposure, contrast, color, and more. By clicking on a preset, Lightroom automatically applies these settings, transforming your image per the preset's design.

    6. What Are Mobile Lightroom Presets?

    Mobile Lightroom presets are specially designed for use with the Lightroom Mobile app, allowing users to edit photos directly on their smartphones with professional results. These presets offer the same high-quality adjustments as desktop presets, optimized for mobile use.

    7. Are Lightroom Presets Free?

    There is a wide variety of Lightroom presets available, ranging from free to paid options. Many photographers and creators offer free Lightroom presets as a sample of their work, providing an excellent way for users to explore different styles without initial investment, however, paid presets are often better quality as they're developed by professionals.

    8. Who Has the Best Presets for Lightroom?

    Polar Bear Photo is renowned for offering some of the best Lightroom presets available, catering to a wide range of photographic styles and preferences. Our presets are crafted by professional photographers to ensure the highest quality and versatility.

    9. Will Lightroom Presets Work in Photoshop?

    Yes, Lightroom presets can be converted to work in Adobe Photoshop, specifically within the Camera Raw plugin. This allows photographers to apply their favorite Lightroom presets to images in Photoshop, maintaining a consistent editing style across Adobe's software suite.

    10. Where Are Lightroom Presets Stored?

    Lightroom presets are stored within the Adobe Lightroom application folders on your computer. For Lightroom Classic, they are located in the 'Develop Presets' folder within the Lightroom settings directory. Lightroom CC stores presets cloud-based, making them accessible across devices.